January 23, 2025

The Healing Potential of Prescribing Perspective

A conversation with mindset researcher Kari Leibowitz, PhD

A patient’s mindset not only influences their experience and satisfaction level, but research indicates it can also impact their physical, mental, and emotional health. So how can members of the healthcare team influence the patient’s mindset in a meaningful way?

Mindset researcher Kari Leibowitz, PhD, has studied this topic extensively and is helping healthcare professionals embrace the healing potential of prescribing perspective. Dr. Leibowitz, a Stanford-trained PhD, was the lead author of a newly published paper on mindset training. She discusses that research, as well as practical ways healthcare professionals can prescribe mindset.

About the Expert

Kari Leibowitz is a health psychologist with a PhD in psychology from Stanford University, where she conducted research at the Stanford Mind & Body Lab. She is a U.S.-Norway Fulbright Scholar and a frequently invited writer and speaker on the power of mindset. Leibowitz has written about "wintertime mindset" for The New York Times and The Washington Post, and her work has been covered by The Guardian, CNN, National GeographicForbesThe Telegraph, BBC, and New Scientist. Her first book, How to Winter: Harness Your Mindset to Thrive on Cold, Dark, or Difficult Days, is available now. More information at karileibowitz.com.

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