Thank you to all of you who completed the reader survey we recently sent out! We received even more responses than we hoped for and gained important insights into who you are and the types of content you'd like to see.
Thank you to all of you who completed the reader survey we recently sent out! We received even more responses than we hoped for and gained important insights into who you are and the types of content you'd like to see.
Our goal is to provide the cutting edge research you, as healthcare professionals, are looking for. The information gathered from this survey is extremely helpful as we continue to improve our journal.
Through our survey, we learned that our readers represent a broad variety of professions. You're naturopaths, nutritionists, dieticians, chiropractors, acupuncturists, medical doctors, nurses, students, and researchers. Your specialties include general practice, women's health, oncology, and more. Those of you who told us you specialize in immunology and pediatrics will be happy to know that we have 2
special issues coming out in the fall that will cover those topics.
The 66% of you who told us you listen to podcasts are in luck—we've just launched the
Natural Medicine Journal podcast series on
iTunes (it's also available via
RSS feed), so you can now take
Natural Medicine Journal with you wherever you go.
Our favorite part of the survey was the open-ended comments we received from so many of you—both those that offered constructive critiques (more mobile friendly design? We're on it!) and those that offered appreciation. Here are some that we keep rereading whenever we need to be reminded of why we do the work we do:
- "Passionate about your work. Excited to discover your findings. Happy to share them. Proud to know new things."
- "I look forward to reading the email posts I receive from Natural Medicine Journal, they keep me informed and up to date."
- "Thank you for providing updated, research-based information that is relevant to my clinical practice. You are awesome!"
All this wonderful feedback makes us all very thankful for our dedicated and talented editorial board and writers who give freely of their time and knowledge to further the field of natural medicine.
Winner Announced
As a thank-you for participating in the survey, we randomly chose one lucky winner to receive two (2) FREE passes to Emerson Ecologics’
IGNITE Conference 2016: The Business of Better Medicine. This conference will be held October 13-16 at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort & Spa in Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. More information on the conference along with an Early Bird Offer can be found at
Be sure to check your email to find out if you're the lucky winner!
P.S. We know that 4 out of 5 of you are on
Facebook, and 1 in 4 are on
Twitter and
Google+. Be sure to connect with us there!